WhatRoute is a freeware version of the UN*X traceroute command. WhatRoute owes its existence to the work by Van Jacobsen, Steve Deering and others who invented the UNIX traceroute command. The Metrowerks PowerPlant application framework is the basis of WhatRoute. Thanks guys, for taking all the hard work out of Mac programming. The WASTE engine used to display the results is the work Marco Piovanelli, Dan Crevier and Tim Paustian (who wrote the PowerPlant CWasteEdit class). The DNS Resolver code is from BIND-4.9.5-P1 available from and was ported unchanged from the original. Copyright (c) 1996 by Internet Software Consortium Copyright (c) 1989 The Regents of the University of California Fabrizio Oddone has provided me with much useful discussion and feedback on all sorts of matters. I am also extremely grateful for the all the responses I've had on WhatRoute. I've tried to incorporate many of your ideas into the program and I'm always willing to hear your suggestions and criticisms. Thanks folks. Please note - WhatRoute only runs with Open Transport. I have no plans (in fact I wouldn't know where to start) to make it run with MacTCP. WhatRoute also includes a PING function - simple but effective. Also, there is an implementation of DNSQUERY for those who want to grovel about in the innards of DNS. Please refer to the O'Reilly book, 'DNS and BIND' for interpretation of the output from this function. Please email any suggestions for improvement, bug reports etc. to bryanc@ihug.co.nz New releases etc will be posted to Remember - this is freeware and I hope you find it useful. All the usual disclaimers apply. ---------------------------- Bryan Christianson, June, 1997